
Coldest Night of the Year

Coldest Night of the Year

Can you believe we had 372 walkers, 44 Teams, and 70 Volunteers? Our BEST Coldest Night of the Year so far!

On Saturday, February 24, 2024, we hosted Coldest Night of the Year at Broadway Church and walked together to fundraise for CityReach! With 372 walkers, 44 teams and 70 volunteers, we raised over $175,000!

Your participation in CNOY 2024 will help us provide essential support and resources to our community, and we couldn't have done it without you.

On behalf of the CityReach Care Society, we couldn't be more thankful and proud!

We also thank our volunteers, community partners and sponsors for being a part of our mission to help people prosper and making this all possible.

We look forward to walking with you again next year!

Save the date

February 22, 2025

For more information regarding any of our community events,
please contact Shar Monillas at

Coldest Night of the Year - Photos
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Event Locations

Join us at one of our upcoming events!


123 Sample St, Sydney NSW 2000 AU

New York

123 Sample St, New York NY 10000 USA

Participant Experiences

Read what past participants have to say

Attending the event was a life-changing experience. I felt supported and inspired throughout.

John Doe

Marketing Manager, ABC Company

The event exceeded my expectations. It left me motivated and ready to make a difference.

Jane Smith

CEO, XYZ Corporation

Join the Event

Make a Difference

Experience the joy of giving back and supporting our community. Register now!

With Special Thanks To Our Sponsors And Partners: