Our Team

Meet Our Team

Our dedicated team is committed to making a difference.

Simon Gau
Executive Director

What a great privilege it is to get to work alongside this incredibly hardworking and passionate staff. Together with our amazing volunteers we are meeting tangible needs in our community giving HOPE for tomorrow. Next time you see me walking around one of our CityReach campuses, come say HI!

Anne Choi
Out Of School Care Program Leader

I am blessed to be part of an amazing team looking after a group of fantastic kids for Out of School Program at CityReach. As a full-time Program Leader, I also assist with administrative tasks like registration and planning for our after school program and all of our day camps! I love that we are making a difference in the lives of many families in our community.

Cheryl McManus
Associate Executive Director

I love getting to be a part of the CityReach team, and be able to work with our team to make our programs, facilities, school partnerships and community relations the best they can be. I get to work both behind the scenes and up front with incredible people to see our mission to reach individuals and families come to life!

Claudia Kassia
Out Of School Care Assistant Director

As the Assistant Director, I assist in the leading, oversight, and implementing of a creative and interactive age-appropriate children’s program. I find a lot of joy in facilitating activities with the children in our Out of School Care Program. It has been a privilege to witness the lessons they learn and relationships they build with each other. It is an honor to watch each child grow as an individual and support their relationship with each other, staff, and activities in a fun and meaningful ways.

Craig Savage
Tri-Cities Director & Club Freedom Director

I work with Club Freedom to bring hope to those facing homelessness, poverty, and mental health issues in Vancouver, Surrey, and the Tri-Cities. I also direct CityReach's activities like Food For Families and community events. This is possible thanks to our dedicated volunteers. My passion is for everyone to experience and express pure love.

Food For Families Logistics Facilitator

Hello everyone! It is a great pleasure for me to have become part of this great team at CityReach and the Food for Families program. From day one, I felt like family. Hand-in-hand with our volunteers, we bring joy to people's homes, and we will continue day by day to reach more families. God is so wonderful that he shows his love to everyone, and we will continue to move forward in this work, together.

Elton Dias
Club Freedom Surrey Chaplain

Having lived in the Middle East for 42 years, I have seen people from all walks of life suffer different types of addiction, including addiction to money and things that would never satisfy their appetite. I was one of these people. I had a successful career in the automotive industry, but I had a dark secret - an addiction of my own to alcohol. Nobody knew except God. But He created me for something better. When He saved me, I was in a dark place, but today, He is my light. He has shown me the plans He has for me. That is why I am here at CityReach - to be the light to the lost. Working with the Club Freedom team to help others see that there is hope, light, and life for them is an honour.

Giovanna Mota
Out Of School Care Program Leader

Hello! It is a joy and a privilege to be part of God's work through CityReach. I am excited to take on the role of Out of School Program Leader as it allows me to see up-close the growth and achievements of each amazing child. I'm excited for what's to come and look forward to seeing the positive impact they make on the next generation.

Hannah Li
Part Time Out of School Care Program Leader

I’m honoured to be working at Cityreach's amazing out of school care program as a Program Leader. It is a blessing to be able to build relationships and connections with the kids and staff as we walk alongside each other daily. I am looking forward to continue pouring into the kids and to see what God has in store for all who are a part of this program.

Jason Tischer
Cityreach Tri-Cities Adopt-a-school Rep

It is a pleasure serving in the committed team that is CityReach Care Society. I have a passion for seeing young people get the best opportunities to grow in leadership by serving their local community. Creating and facilitating opportunities for that to happen is our goal. We hope to support our local schools in any way that we can. Whether it’s helping with an existing project or shining light on hidden potential, our desire is to see students and schools prosper in the Tri-Cities.

Jemal Damtawe
Club Freedom Chaplaincy & Outreach Director

Hi! I help those facing homelessness, addictions, or mental illness in our community. Together with a dedicated team, we offer not just food but also spiritual support. Every Sunday, we host a worship service followed by a lovingly prepared meal for about 150 guests. I also offer listening and advice throughout the week.

John Lau
Food For Families Assistant Manager

Hi! I am grateful to be a member of the CityReach staff, working with the Food For Families team. We have an a amazing group of colleagues and volunteers who serve the community together across Greater Vancouver, and bring hope to those families that are in need.

Leila Santana
Food For Families Operations Manager

It is my great joy to be part of Food For Families team where we have the honour of blessing many families from our city and beyond. I love serving alongside our amazing volunteer team and getting to know each person that come through our doors. I’m very thankful we actually get to make a difference in the lives of so many people.

Leslie Junior
Donor Relations & Community Engagement Coordinator

I am so honored to be part of the CityReach Care Society team. I am very happy to see the joy and hope that is given to our surrounding community and to see what God is doing through the people here. We are called to be a light in the world, and that’s exactly what the Hope business is all about. I look forward to seeing you out in the community, or at one of our programs or events soon.

Lydia Park
Fundraising Director

Hello hello! I am the Fundraising Director at CityReach. It’s an honor to be able to serve alongside this amazing team at Broadway Church and CityReach. My passion is to be of service of others and “To Help People Prosper”.

Natalie Tang
Out Of School Care Director

Hello! I have the privilege to be the Out of School Care Director and I am grateful to be part of what God is doing here through CityReach and the lives in our community! We want to create a safe, fun, and collaborative environment that supports each child’s development in holistic ways. I enjoy working alongside an amazing staff team that commits to loving and caring for the children and families in our program

Nicole Preston
Surrey Director

I love seeing what CityReach does and how our programs help so many people! My role is to work with CityReach to explore new initiatives in the city of Surrey. Do you live in Surrey or Langley and would love to see CityReach expand? I would love to have coffee with you and chat about the opportunities that are opening up for us to take part in. Feel free to email me!

Paul Moores
Surrey Community Coordinator

My name is Paul and I’m the Surrey Community Coordinator. I get to help people access all of our CityReach programs in Surrey. I’d love to buy you a coffee and chat more if you are a person or organization that would like to know more about CityReach.

Rika Ando
Receptionist / General Admin

Hello! When phoning into the CityReach office, I’m the one who will answer your call! My role here is to interact with the public and enable them to connect with staff and pastors, at both CityReach Care Society and Broadway Church. I also provide administrative support to many staff members.

Shanya Hosanee
Community Program and Events Assistant

Hello! I am the Community Program and Events Assistant here at CityReach. I aid our Events Director and the Adopt-A-School Director in any way needed, such as assisting with administration, communication, volunteer recruitment, and program coordination. I am beyond blessed to be a part of the CityReach organization and to be part of a group of people who are impacting the communities around us.

Shar Monillas
Community Events Director

It's an honour to be part of the CityReach team as the Events Director. I get to help plan amazing events like Boxes of Love, Coldest Night of the Year, and Back to School Blast, where we get to bring community and fun to our families. I love being able to create a space for people to encounter the hope and love of Jesus - and I feel lucky to be able to do this alongside amazing people. If you have any questions about any upcoming events, feel free to get in touch with me!

Sharon Dong
Food For Families Director

I am responsible for the Food for Families Program including food partnerships, food security, health & safety and the overall program management of our food banks. I was born in Vancouver and grew up in the neighbourhood so I am so excited our team can provide nutritious food to our guests. I look forward to meeting and getting to know all our guests so we can serve you better. We are in the HOPE business!

Siu Hung
Food For Families Truck Driver

Hi! My name is Siu Hung and I drive the CityReach truck. I think trucks are super cool, and I am very blessed to be part of this wonderful organization. Thank you CityReach Care Society. Thank you Broadway Church. Thank you co-workers. Thank you volunteers. Thank you donors.

Stephen Forsyth
Food For Families Mobile Coordinator

Hi! What a pleasure it is to be a part of such an incredible organization. As Mobile Coordinator, I have the chance to work with our incredible volunteer teams at our distribution sites in Port Coquitlam and South Vancouver. I love seeing people joining God in his redemptive work in our world!

Zina Minchenko
Food For Families Volunteer Coordinator

I'm honored to work with talented, passionate individuals at an organization impacting our community. As the Food for Families Volunteer Coordinator, I meet new people weekly and ensure everyone can volunteer at CityReach. Our diverse volunteers create a fun community as we serve our guests. If interested in volunteering, I'd love to hear from you.

Job Opportunities!

Learn more about our current opportunities at the link below.